Friday, 14 February 2014

Love seems boredom and calligraphy

I took some lovers 
when you took your own

Lovers who come and paint sunshine with soft paint brushes
On glasses that reflect the outside tree that smokes 
Lovers encamped under my windows on rain softened pavements
for a glimpse of me, foreseen 
waiting with syllables that came with their shadows 
Lovers  dead and living sustained in wills and pages
full of awakened men, tattooed children, night lights and endangered  silence
In all of them I found unfastened women and trapezes of kindness and desire.
Lovers creeping on me with marigold, tuber flowers, Sanskrit syllables and chants 
Peaceful, incensed like holy hermitage and white veined life.
Lovers with built in towers, commencements and moral sanctuaries 
walking in boxes of law and never erasing boundaries.
They protected me 
from them and me.
I am grateful to my lovers who beseeched and inspired living.

I allowed myself lovers and friends
healing and antibiotics
Reading and reverberations 
Journey and shipwrecks 
Water and bobbing 
Running off and coming back 

Last few years 
Saw me through exile and  a congregation of well meaning verses.
It wasn't like I missed you much
It wasn't like I was dying for you 
It wasn't like you were a necessity 
but I missed you and needed you like death.

Now that you wish our coming together and coupling 
And take us on with undoing and motion
I fear I will miss my lovers and not having you for whom I mourned. 

Love seems boredom and calligraphy.