Tuesday, 11 February 2014

I draw curtains when you visit

Now we are left with some formal civilities
One practices with the world.
Like thank you 
Like see you again 
Like come over for a cup of tea.

My neighbours are warm people
I sometimes go over with croissants and we drink coffee
They send me puddings and laughter
They keep my dogs
They often watch my health from windows

They would see you visit me and walking out of the house
Days would haunt me when you came calling truce 
And I would hope and despair
About uprooting the past 
and mental asylums of tacit and trustworthy

My neighbours are warm people
I sometimes now send over my son and we drink coffee
They warmly smile and bless me 
They too accept 
That I draw my curtains when you visit 


  1. Very lovely! You catch the fine nuances perfectly.

  2. Hey really nice post and i found good related information about Curtains here and complete details.

  3. crisp,dark and whips up feelings of moral ambivalence.
