Friday, 10 January 2014

You bought me shawls and potpourri.....

Each time you came back home
You bought me shawls and potpourri 
Each time you came back home
I would buy orchids and lilies
I would put them in vases and speak to the walls to behave
And I would ask the neighbour's son for that fallen frangipani 
And to get me some fresh marmalade his mum made
I would tuck behind my hair, 
flowers and years
I would light up the hall,
The wall, the eyes and 
The candles 
And let the imaginary bees buzz
They would rotate and follow over ponderous and unmade
Where I would prepare your favourite dishes
Where I would change the cover and quilts
Where I would circle in confusion of packing and undressing
Where I would patch the little undoings of spilled and scattered
And through the open window I would see the crow shit on fancy cars
Each time I would construct this thought 
To remind you to park yours on the other lane
The bees would play verbal games 
Ascending the language of my stuttering thoughts
And forgetfulness would arrive when you came
The pearl necklaces and crispy silk would stain in connivance and pits
And would seer my weight of memories and wisdom 
I would portion your eyes, scan your body,take in all that was commercial and magnetic
And then breathe in all that was bee wax, cinnamon and home
I would tell myself we are again standing over buried and past

You had arrived so many evenings till evenings got strained 
Since then I have tucked you in 
the fragrance of separate memories and shawls
And when each winter I wrap them around
You come swirling in the shawl and its confusion 
I have arrived to the convenience of sweaters and moth-balls  these days
But I still keep the potpourri in the confusion of a dark trunk, 
which encases your sacrilegious stains and shawls
And I still see the birds shitting on the fancy cars 
Each time wafts in a thought  
I forgot to tell you to park yours on the other lane

Edited by Dr Ampat Koshy 

A vintage painting by Herbert James Draper 


  1. The smell of shawls and potpourri wafts. Would like to read more of your work. You paint with your words.
