Sunday, 16 March 2014

I wanted to write this love song

I wanted to write this love song 
That will last in music 
I unravelled all that I had written 
All that I was meaning to send 
All that I wrapped in silks and touches 
All that had remained wrapped in some solstice
All that had walked 
Hand in hand, together into that mist behind memory 
I wanted to go back and feed on those feelings 
Just to write about 
the wet walls behind my back
The exploding taste of the strawberry Popsicle
 that melted in mouth and lungs
Planting memories to rain that rivered the city and bodies 
The cats fell into invisible corners
The dogs had crowded the patio 
The city was washing its dirty corners 
And you were language to my new found limbs
The room must have held silence and clusters of being 
I still hunt words and gather the other side of lamentation and dry heartbeats 
the fissures open 
And I scatter to wet racing and rankling 
Never ever finding the words that would heap and fill it to an ever weeping lagoon 
Hidden love stories have a perpetual weight 
Time escapes enchaining it to appearances 
Seen and Unheard
That never makes it to a love song  
Words whirl and still dance 
devoid of shadows and presences

I wanted to write this love song
That will last in longing


She kept getting pregnant 
And She heard her babies thrashing
kicking and gallivanting in his mind 

They were eager bodies 
Trying to break out into light and meals 
Like that unbroken chain of life parading into history 
To throw light at screams and spills 

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Deep kohl eyes

Life never reaches its destination 
There is always that little 
That cups its face on its two hands 
And ponders 
Often peering into the glass 
From one mirror to the other 
As it walks
Rushing glances obstinate and stormy 
Leaps between windows, doors, faces, eyes, quietude 
the baker's glasses, the florist's windows, the book seller's warm greetings.
It run back home to the everyday eyes on the dressing tables 
transparent lapel 

When I stone the reflections 
and try to climb in with solutions and verdicts
Life denies me the smoothness of swollen coffee 
I find a woman deep within verses and chapters 

Decked with the unassuming 
Life says,' I offer you no chains.
You are free to knife your ties.'
I wonder if it is just to cease with the unexplored
The self preserving roots, and breeds
To enormous love
the sacrificial
The magnificent and lasting!

Mornings when papers talk about suicides and disappearances 
And the festivals amass happiness and move on 
I wonder why chew onto the apparition of what could have been and what will be?
Life has got no columns 
No construct 
No victories 
No eternities 
It's only got its knowing 
With its two deep kohl eyes 
of insomnia and sleep.